TECHNICAL MERIT (TM) Score (50% of Total Score) (1.0 lowest/10.0 highest):

  1. Content (amount, variety of moves, fullness of routine)


  1. Precise Execution of behaviors and moves by dog and handler


  1. Flow of (routine storyline flows logically or movements from one to another by dog and handler match the storyline / characterization)


  1. Difficulty of Routine (complexity of the storyline or character portrayal, difficulty of handler’s movements with dog’s movements)


  1. Accuracy of handler and dog moves in relation to the theme (dynamism, intensity, character, and tempo)


TOTAL TECHNICAL MERIT (TM) Points Possible = 10.0




ARTISTIC IMPRESSION (AI) Score (50% of Total Score) (1.0 lowest/10.0 highest):


  1. Animation, Attitude, Attention, and Harmonious Interaction (Bonding) of dog(s) and handler(s)


  1. Quality and Creativity of Choreography, layout of routine

How creative and well all movements are arranged and laid out in the routine.


  1. Flow and Cohesiveness of the routine through the story


  1. Coordination of Routine with the theme, interpretation of the theme

How well the routine matches the theme that is presented.


  1. Costume Coordination with the Theme

How well the handler’s costume and the dog’s adornment match and/or complement the routine presented.


  1. Spectator Appeal

How well the spectators appreciate, enjoy, and respond to the routine.



* Consideration is given to both handler(s) and the dog(s) on all scores.

* Some areas of scoring may affect other areas of scoring.   For example:  Execution may affect Flow; Difficulty may affect Execution; Content may affect Quality and Creativity of Choreography.


   The Score Sheet includes the Total T.M. and Total A.I. score numbers and a section for the Judge’s comments.

   All Score Sheets will be in triplicate form:  one for the judge, one for the competitor, and one for WCFO, INC records.